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Tunnel of Doom

Will you see the light at the end of the tunnel??


So ello everybody :)
My usuall haunt, da-anime.org (an most importantly its forum da-forums.org) are down atm due to some jackass thinking its funny as hell ddos'ing our asses all the time -.-

So here i am yet again, I know i havent been around much lately - not since september i think (right around the time our forums came back up after the last hack...) an since this place was created as mostly cause i was bored during the last hack an all that ive neglected it, so srry guys.. anyways since then all the uploaders have pretty much banded together in small groups, so that pretty much everybody has some sort of blog thier posing thier stuff on.. Wuhu ^^

We like to call this the da-network, an its an unaficioal part of the da-family :P
and out on the left, you'll find a search funktion ive just added, curtisy of 1 RayCP witch will allow u 2 search all the blogs in the da-network at one time :D
so ye go ray go ray its your birthday :p

So now your probably all wondering whats in store for the future.. well ill be honest an say, that as soon as the forums are back up an running stable ill become to lazy to update this place again until the next downtime.. now way around it.. thats just me..

But, until then ive got alot on the program.. ive started out by reuploading the links ppl where saying had gone dead, adding ~ 30 new movies ( im sure there are more i just gotta figure out witch im missing :P ) But all in all there really wont be that much more in the movie department for a while.. lately ive been doing mostly anime, witch rest assured i wont add here - because i dont think it fits in with all the other stuff, an mainly cause ill be adding it to da-animes.blogspot.com - witch is pretty much purely anime an gets alot more attention then this little place :D

Ill also start adding some tv-shows such as , Shark, NCIS, Las Vegas, Terminator: The Sara Conner Chronicals, Breaking Bad & Moonlight.

So ye meh thats how its gonna go :D


Mijisu tha...

I like this blog.
Really organized.

Um... question...
You mentioned that when a link or the file is unavailable in Megaupload, to post in your support section... right?
Can't find it?
But yeah... Your Kingdom of Heaven CD 02 need a complete re upload.

More power!

RayCP tha...

I'm so cool!!
Gogo www.devils-anime.blogspot.com
Sorry for the spam.. :P
Mido told me to.. xD